When are results available?
If your doctor has organised swabs, blood or urine tests to be carried out by the Practice Nurse or Healthcare Assistant, the results of these tests should be available approximately 5-7 days afterwards. Occasionally some of the more complex tests may take longer.
How to obtain your result
Your test will be reviewed by a Doctor when it comes back to the practice. You can then obtain your result and any further instruction from the reception staff by calling either surgery (01738 627117 for Taymount or 01738 551739 for Scone) any day of the week, after 10am.
We would ask that you do not call before 10am as recepton can be busy first thing with patients requiring appointments.
We would also ask that you do not call until at least 5 days have passed to ensure that a GP has sufficient time to receive and fully review and comment upon your tests.
Health Information
To complement the non-emergency NHS 24 phone service, NHS Inform provide general health information, including advice on tests, treatments, illnesses, injuries, healthy living, support and health rights. You can phone NHS Inform on 0800 22 44 88 or use the webchat option on the NHS Inform website.