Video Consultations
using the accredited Near Me.
Video consultations using Near Me
We have recently introduced Video Consultations at the practice utilising the accredited Near Me (Attend Anywhere) software. This is a fully secure system which is used very widely by secondary care services within NHS Tayside and in other health board areas and using it allows clinical staff to communicate with their patients without the need for them to attend a medical establishment in person to do so. More information can be obtained from
Many of the patients that we see in the practice are presenting with problems which may be suitable for a consultation such as this. Therefore if you would like to try it for your next appointment with us, please ask the receptionist who will arrange this for you if it’s appropriate for your complaint. The reception staff may also proactively offer you this as an option when you are looking to book an appointment at the practice if they think it may be of benefit to you.
How it works
Once you have been given a time for your video appointment, simply go to You will then be prompted to enter your full name, date of birth and your telephone number. This information is vital and must be completed at all times.
Once you have entered this information and accepted the terms and conditions, you will then be taken to a virtual “waiting area” to wait for the doctor or nurse to connect with you at your appointment time. We would ask that you please allow 10-15 either side of your booked time slot to allow for your clinician running slightly ahead or over time with other patients.
The system works on a smartphone, tablet, laptop or a computer which has a video camera installed on it. To get the most out of the experience, we advise that you ensure that your device has the most up to date software version on it. The system works best where there is at least a 4G or Wi-Fi connection available. It will not work on a 3G signal.
When might a video consultation be suitable?
Here are a few examples of when a video consultation might be an appropriate option. This list is not exhaustive but is intended to be used as a reference point for patients who might be interested in using this option.
- Some skin lesions
- Rashes
- Acne
- Simple urinary tract infections
- Some mental health related problems (stress, anxiety or low mood/depression reviews)
- Reviews of conditions (usually these are requested by a GP)
- Medication related issues where a community pharmacist cannot help
- Continuation of a sick line (Fit Note) where GP input is required
- Housebound patients where a GP visit is being requested or considered
And finally...
We hope that you will enjoy using the technology for your healthcare. Additionally, we would ask that you DO NOT enter the waiting room without a pre-arranged appointment as it is not monitored out with designated video surgery times.
For general information visit The Near Me website
Screenshot of the test call and video call access point