Welcome to Perth & Scone Medical Group
Perth & Scone Medical Group provide general medical services from our custom-built premises in Perth and the village of Scone. The practice team is made up of clinical and administrative staff who cover both surgery sites. We also have a number of attached community based staff, including District Nurses and Health Visitors, who work from Taymount Surgery.
To make an appointment with a doctor or a nurse you can either phone reception on 01738 627117 (Taymount Surgery) or 01738 551739 (Scone Surgery) or book online using Online Patient Services.
Taymount & Scone Surgeries are open Monday to Friday from 8am-6pm (except on Wednesdays when Scone Surgery is closed from 2pm).
We offer various appointment types with nurses and doctors, routine and urgent, and telephone consultations are also available.
Read more about appointments.

Online Patient Services

Did you know you can order repeats and make appointments online? Online Patient Services gives you more control. And it now works well on mobile phones and tablets too.
Find out about Online Patient Services or log in now.

- Lyn Williamson, Practice Manager
Some Statistics
Here are some statistics about the practice. The figures are approximate and fluctuate from week to week, but are based on recent real data.
Our approximate list size
With GPs each week
Missed weekly with our GPs
Nursing time lost weekly due to non attendance
Please help us by attending your appointment!